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Brazil from discovery to independence : An exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Brazilian independence on September 7, 1822 : A machine-readable transcription

Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)

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Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington). Brazil from discovery to independence : an exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Brazilian independence on September 7, 1822. Lilly Library, Bloomington, IN 1972 48 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Lilly Library call number: Z1672 .I39

The cover is a reproduction of an ink and water-color map showing the missions at the mouth of the Amazon. The original is in the manuscript volume by Father Bernardino Castillo de Vide, no. 21 of this exhibit.

Brazil from discovery to independence : an exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Brazilian independence on September 7, 1822

Independência ou Morte, 1822-1972

Lilly Library
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana



Three hundred and twenty-two years after the Portuguese sea-captain Pedro Álvares Cabral officially landed for the first time on what is today Brazilian soil, a Portuguese prince, impatient with the court politics in Lisbon and prodded by influential Brazilian leaders, severed the connections between the two countries. More than a movement against Portuguese colonial domination, Brazilian independence was the assertion that a new nation existed. Instead of a protest against a government system, it was the affirmation of a new individuality in the international concert. Its peaceful character, based more on political pragmatism than on revolutionary zeal, was denotative of the maturity of the leadership at the time. Only the existence of a very strong national sentiment permitted this change to take place as it happened.

This exhibit tries to show the truthfulness of that assertion. It covers the 322 years of Brazil's history, prior to its independence, and stresses the achievement of Brazilians during the colonial period. It shows how the idea of a nation slowly evolved and grew to the point of becoming a reality.

When Europeans first officially reached Brazilian shores on April 22, 1500, they encountered a lengthy coastline, thinly inhabited by natives of a very primitive civilization by Portuguese standards of the time. The news was not very impressive — the Spaniards were already reaching Peru and Mexico, and the Portuguese themselves were much more involved in the conquest of the Orient. In spite of the discovery of brazilwood, the presence of which would serve to name the new land, the Portuguese possession served primarily to establish a resting point for ships en route to India. Colonization was slow and almost always left to private enterprise.

Together with greed for material wealth, the Portuguese had also an imperial ideology based on the expansion of Catholic faith. To foster this ideology, Jesuit priests were sent to convert the natives. They learned the Indian languages, wrote plays with catechetical purposes, and reported about Indian customs and life to their superiors in Europe. They also became so assimilated into their new surroundings that they began advocating the rights of the natives, even against the interests of the Portuguese themselves.

The news about Brazil abounded in European chronicles of that time. The infinite number of religious quarrels — and the attraction of the Peruvian mines — increased the interest of foreigners in the new land. British privateers, French Protestants, and Dutch merchants viewed Brazil as an area in which to expand their activities or shelter their embattled beliefs. From the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 18th century, in the several small wars waged against these invaders, Portuguese settlers and a new breed of native-born Brazilians (creoles, blacks, Indians, and a wide variety of mestizos) built the tradition of belonging together in the new nation they were slowly forging.

Commerce, although restricted to local and Portuguese ports, was developed, and a small and self-sustaining economy grew, based on plantations and ranches. Doctors and scientists appeared to continue and expand the initial effort of the Jesuit reports. Detailed information on the flora and fauna of Brazil and the treatment of tropical diseases became subjects for discussion and publication. Travelers began to visit Brazil and their accounts opened the eyes of Europe to the new country.

A flourishing literature, connected with religious and bureaucratic life, could be seen since the beginning of colonization. Starting with the first plays by Father José de Anchieta, written partly in the Indian language of the coast, and continuing through the Rabelaisian poems of Gregório de Matos and the religious productions of Manuel Botelho de Oliveira and Father Alexandre de Gusmão, Brazil reached literary prominence with the works of Father Antônio Vieira, widely considered the most important prose writer in the Portuguese language. Literary academies were created and a large number of books written by Brazilian authors were published. An incipient novel appeared in the form of religious allegories and didactic treatises. By the end of the 18th century this literature, already an independent branch within the Portuguese language, could boast artistic quality equal to what could be found in Portugal. Brazilian writers, moving to Portugal, were part of the literary establishment and influenced its development.

Brazilian folklore, including Afro-American elements, became well known and popular in Portugal, to the point of displacing more traditional forms. The popularity of the mulatto chansonnier Domingos Caldas Barbosa, who bases his themes almost exclusively on his "negritude," was indicative of this new Brazilian individuality.

As soon as presses were established in the beginning of the 19th century, a goodly number of translations of works by leading European writers were published in the colony itself.

Several secessionist movements took shape, the most important being the one in the province of Minas Gerais, in 1789, inspired by American independence. Repression of that movement gave Brazil its first martyr and most important national hero — Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes.

The arrival of the Portuguese court in Brazil in 1807 was the crowning, albeit unexpected, event of this development. Brazil became the center of political life for the Empire and the process of national affirmation accelerated. In 1815, Brazil was elevated to the status of kingdom, no more a colony but an equal to the mother country. After that, independence was just a few years away, officially accomplished on September 7, 1822.

For 322 years, Brazilians had created, little by little, the idea of Brazil as a nation. In the realm of ideas this nation was distinguished by the undisguised geographical enthusiasm of the scribe in Cabral's fleet, by the pride of the Brazilian landscape and incipient history shown by Sebastião da Rocha Pitta, and by the effort of men like Domingos Caldas Barbosa to look for folkloric sources in order to affirm their Brazilian identity. In the social realm it became known by the creation of an active commerce and by the preoccupation with Brazil's own contributions in the areas of science, art, industry, and agriculture. In the political realm Brazil was shaped by the several secessionist movements and by the channeling of efforts into the organization of a social system which would correspond to the social and ideological needs of the new nation being born.

When José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, one of the architects of Brazilian independence, addressed the Emperor Pedro I, he stressed above all the symbolic character of the proclamation of secession: "It was reserved to you ... to create . . . order from chaos, and force and energy from individual irresolution and egotism." Andrada e Silva recognized the existence of these values prior to independence; the actions of Pedro only brought them to light.

This bibliographical exhibit shows the growth of Brazil as a nation, before independence was proclaimed, stressing the aspects of the creation of a Brazilian individuality. It is divided into several sections, covering the period from the first Portuguese report describing the land (Pero Vaz de Caminha's letter) to the final recognition of Brazilian independence (patent of nobility bestowed on Sir Charles Stuart, and an early printing of the first national anthem, composed by Pedro I himself). In these thematic sections, some of the major moments of the colonial period in Brazil are shown as they left their imprint on contemporary publications and manuscripts.

The materials displayed are representative of the Lilly Library holdings of manuscript and printed materials pertaining to colonial Brazil. Through its varied educational and research programs, Indiana University has long demonstrated an interest in Brazilian studies. In support of this interest, the Lilly Library presents this exhibit as part of the American commemorations of the sesquicentennial of Brazilian independence.

Heitor Martins, Chairman, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University



Copia der Newen eytung (i.e. Zeytung) ausz Presilg Landt. [Augsburg, Erhart Oglin, 15—]

Rodrigues, Bibliotheca brasiliense, no. 740. 4to, disbound and in slipcase.

Lilly Library call number: F2526 .C782

This newsletter, containing the first printed reference to a Portuguese voyage to Brazil, has been a subject of controversy to students of American discovery, because the date and original language of its printing and the voyage which it describes have not been identified with any certainty. The copy shown, with the arms of Portugal on the cover, is the probable first state (with the misprint "eytung" on the title page for "Zeytung") of one of two known German editions.


GIOVANNI BATTISTA RAMUSIO (1485-1557) Terzo Volvme delle Navigationi et Viaggi. Venetia, Stamperia de Givnti, 1556.

Church Catalogue, I, no. 99. Folio, modern half morocco.

Lilly Library call number: G159 .R2

First edition of this volume. Here first appears the Discorso d'un gran capitano di mare Francese, in part discussing Brazil and its natives, the settlements of the Portuguese, and the efforts of the Portuguese to keep French traders out of the area; it ends with a violent attack on the Portuguese and a suggestion that French settlements be founded by force if necessary. Borba de Moraes names Jean Parmentier as the gran capitano and suggests that the Discorso was probably written by his lifelong friend, Pierre Crignon. The charming map, often reprinted, depicts in its details the agricultural wealth for which Brazil was most noted in the period prior to the discovery of her mineral resources.


ANTONIO GALVÃO ( -1557) Tratado . . . dos diuersos & desuayrados caminhos, por onde nos tempos passados a pimenta & especearia veyo da India . . . [Lisboa] Casa de Ioam da Barreira [1563]

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 288-289. Small 8vo, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: G80 .G175 vault

The rare first edition of the author's treatise giving a chronological survey of geographical discovery up to the year 1555 is open to the account of Cabral's voyage to Brazil in the year 1500. Although it is now thought possible that Cabral's fleet was not the first to reach the coast of Brazil, he is conventionally honored as the discoverer of Brazil and was the first to claim possession in the name of the king of Portugal.


CRISTÓBAL DE ACUÑA (1597- ) Nvevo descvbrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas ... Madrid, Imprenta del Reyno, 1641.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 12. 4to, in modern morocco, with doublures, leather flyleaves.

Lilly Library call number: F2546 .A182 vault

By the first part of the 17th century, Portugal controlled the area of the mouth of the Amazon, though the river itself, discovered by Francisco de Orellana in 1539, was still largely unknown. In 1637, Pedro Teixeira was dispatched to explore the river. "The New Discovery" of Acuña, who accompanied Teixeira on the return journey from Quito, is the first complete chronicle of the Amazon. Shown with the first edition of the work is a manuscript copy in a hand of the period.


BLAISE FRANÇOIS DE PAGAN, comte de Merveilles (1604-1665) Relation historiqve et geographiqve de la grande riviere des Amazones dans l'Ameriqve . . . Paris, Chez Cardin Besongne, 1655.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 128. 8vo in half sheets, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2546 .P12

Pagan took his work from various sources, including Acuña. In his dedication to Cardinal Mazarin, he suggests that it would be relatively easy for France to conquer the Amazon and establish colonies there. The work is open to the map of the Amazon.


MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ (1633-1701) El Marañon y Amazonas. Historia de los descvbrimientos, entradas, y redvccion de naciones . . . assi temporales como espiritvales ... Madrid, Imprenta de Antonio Gonçalez de Reyes, 1684.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 213. Folio, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: F3444 .R69

Father Rodríguez narrates the history of the discovery of the Amazon and reduction of the Indian tribes inhabiting the region of the Amazon and Marañon. His work includes an extract of Acuña's chronicle and also gives an account of the missions established by the Jesuits. It is still considered a useful document for the study of the region.


CHARLES MARIE DE LA CONDAMINE (1701-1774) Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'interieur de 1'Amérique Méridionale. Depuis la Côte de la Mer du Sud jusqu' aux Côtes du Brésil & de la Guiane en descendant la riviere des Amazones ... Paris, Veuve Pissot, 1745.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 378-379. 8vo, in half leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2546 .L14

The Amazon, first viewed in 1539, continued to be "discovered" in the 18th century. La Condamine was sent to South America on a scientific expedition by the French Academy of Sciences. The significance of his voyage for Brazil arises from the fact that La Condamine returned to France by sailing down the Amazon to Pará. He was the first trained scientist to make observations on the Amazon, and the map in his Relation exhibited here is the first to show the latitudes.


MANUEL AIRES DO CASAL (1754?- ) Corografia brazilica, ou Relação historico-geografica do reino do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1817.

Rodrigues, Bibliotheca brasiliense, 582. 2 v., 4to, in boards.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .C3

The first geographical description of Brazil occurs in a letter written to the king by Pero Vaz de Caminha, a government official travelling in the fleet of Pedro Álvares Cabral. The letter, written in Porto Seguro, and dated May 1, 1500, was printed for the first time in Casal's geographical work on Brazil, shown here in the first edition. Volume I is open to the end of the Caminha letter, where he refers to Brazil as Vera Cruz, the name given it by Cabral.



HANS STADEN (16th century) Warhaftig Historia vnd beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen Grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen … Marpurg [Andres Kolben, 1557]

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 280-282. 4to, in red morocco.

Lilly Library call number: F2548 .S74 vault

Early printed accounts of Amerindians in Brazil are not common, but the account of Hans Staden is remarkable, even in a small field, both because of his simple and pious style of writing, and the sharpness of his observations. Staden, a German who made two voyages to the coast of Brazil, was captured and in peril of being eaten by Tupinamba Indians. The first edition of his work is opened to part two, which describes the flora and fauna and the customs of the people who held him prisoner.


CLAUDE D’ABBEVILLE ( -1632) Histoire de la Mission des Peres Capvcins en l’Isle de Maragnan et terres circonuoisines ou est traicte des singularitez admirables & des Meurs merueilleuses des Indiens habitans . . . Paris, François Hvby, 1614.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 5-7. 8vo, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2528 .C61 H67

Claude d'Abbeville was one of the group of French Capuchin missionaries who established a mission in the Maranhão area in 1612. His classic account of the mission also relates the adventures of six Tupinamba Indians who returned with D'Abbeville to France, where they were the subject of much interest and religious fervor. The plate exhibited shows one of the Indians in European dress.


JUAN SARDINHA MIMOSO Relacion de la Real Tragicomedia con qve los Padres de la Compania de Iesus ... recibieron a ... Felipe II. Lisboa, J. Rodriguez, 1620.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 63. 4to in eights, in modern red morocco.

Lilly Library call number: PQ9018 .M663

This rare and curious work gives an account of a play performed on the occasion of the entry of Philip III of Spain into Lisbon. Among the events portrayed is the announcement of the discovery of Brazil to King Manoel. The messenger is accompanied by "Tapuya" and Aimoré Indians. Mimosa's Relacion is open to the Chorus brasilicus consisting of quatrains in Tupi and Portuguese.


BERNARD DE NANTES (fl. 1709) Katecismo indico da lingva kariris acrescentado de varias praticas doutrinaes, & moraes adaptadas ao genio & capacidade dos indios do Brasil... Lisboa, V. da Costa, 1709.

Maggs, Bibliotheca brasiliensis, no. 177. 8vo, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2520.1 .K4 B4

The catechism of Bernard de Nantes features Portuguese and Cariri in parallel columns. Although printed in Lisbon, it was intended for use among the Amerindians of Brazil, where the author served as a Capuchin missionary and taught for 23 years.


JOSÉ FREIRE DE MONTERROYO MASCARENHAS (1670-1760) Os Orizes conquistados, ou noticia da conversam dos indomitos Orizes Procazes, povos habitantes, & guerreyros do Certaõ do Brasil . . . Lisboa, Officina de Pascoal da Sylva, 1716.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 35. 4to in eight, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: F2520.1 .O69 M69

A well-known account of the reduction and conversion of the "Orizes Procazes" in the year 1713. The relation describes the idolatrous and barbaric ways of the Indian group before they were instructed in the Portuguese language and then in the Christian faith.


FRANCISCO XAVIER DE MENDOÇA (1700-1769) Directorio que se deve observar nas povoaçoens dos Indios do Pará, e Maranhaõ. Lisboa, Miguel Rodrigues, 1758.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 226. Folio, in boards.

Lilly Library call number: F2519 .F99 D59

A rare and interesting document which outlines regulations for the administration of the Indian missions in Pará and Maranhão following the secularization of the missions by the Portuguese Crown during the period 1750-1755. The provisions were later extended to all Amerindians of Brazil.


Diccionario portuguez e brasiliano, obra necessaria aos ministros do altar . . . Primeira parte. Lisboa, Na Officina patriarcal, 1795.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 336-337. 4to, in decorated boards.

Lilly Library call number: PM7176 .D54

A Portuguese-Brazilian dictionary published by José Mariano da Conceição Veloso from a manuscript of unknown authorship and intended for use of the religious who worked among the Indians in Brazil. It is not extensive, but its importance derives from the fact that it served as a basis for later and more complete vocabularies of the indigenous language, called in this, the first edition, "lingua geral do Brasil."


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) . . . Sendo-Me presentes as graves queixas, que da Capitania de Minas Geraes tem subido á Minha Real Presença sobre as invasões, que diariamente estão practicando os Indios Botecudos Antropophagos... [Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1808]

Folio, in paper wrapper. Loaned by a private collector.

This royal letter to the Governor of the Capitania of Minas Gerais proclaims a formal state of war against the Botocudo Indians, who fiercely resisted the advance of the whites, even at this late date.



BERNARDO DE BRAGA (1604-1662) Ao Mvito Alto y Mvito Poderoso Rey, e Senhor Nosso Dom Joaõ . . . offerece este Sermaõ . . . Lisboa, Paulo Craesbeeck, 1649.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 104. 4to, in quarter red oasis niger.

Lilly Library call number: BX1756 .B8 A63

A sermon preached in Bahia on the occasion of the publication of a Crusade Bull in 1644. Braga dedicated his sermon to João IV, then king of Portugal. The arms of Portugal appear on the title page.


SIMÃO DE VASCONCELOS (1597-1671) Chronica da Companhia de Jesv do estado do Brasil. E do qve obarão sevs filhos nesta parte do Novo Mvndo. Lisboa, H. Valente de Oliueira, 1663.

Leite, História da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil, IX, p. 75. Folio, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2528 .V33 vault

Vasconcelos' history of the Jesuits in Brazil bears the distinction of being one of the most beautifully printed books of its time. It was also a subject of some controversy because in it, Vasconcelos presented the hypothesis that the Earthly Paradise was located in Brazil. The book is open to verses of Father José de Anchieta (1534-1597) called the "Apostle of Brazil."


ANTÔNIO VIEIRA (1608-1697) Sermam pelo bom svccesso das armas de Portvgal contra as de Hollanda. (In his Sermoens. Lisboa, 1683.)

Leite, História da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil, IX, p. 203. 4to in eights, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: BX1756 .V6 S48

Antônio Vieira was born in Lisbon but came to Brazil at an early age and studied for the priesthood at the Jesuit College in Bahia. Not only was he one of the most important figures in 17th century Portuguese and Brazilian history, he was, without doubt, the most interesting as well. He pursued various careers, including those of missionary and statesman and was acknowledged the master of Portuguese prose in his day. The sermon exhibited from volume III of his collected sermons is perhaps his most famous and was preached on the occasion of the defeat of the Portuguese forces by a Dutch fleet off Pernambuco. In the sermon, Vieira rebuked God vehemently for favoring the Dutch heretics over the Portuguese Catholics.


ANTÔNIO VIEIRA (1608-1697) Autograph letter. Dated at Bahia, 10 August 1688.

Lilly Library: Boxer mss. II.

This letter, addressed to the Father Superior of the Maranhão mission, was written when Vieira was Visitor-General of the Jesuit missions in Brazil.


BERNARDINO CASTILLO DE VIDE, Father Aspecto material e politico das missões dos padres regulares da Provincia da Piedade nas regiões do Maranhão, Grão-Baia e Rio Amazonas no anno 1709. Signed and dated 1709

Ms. folio, in boards.

Lilly Library: Latin American mss. Brazil.

The first seven leaves of this manuscript volume discuss the subject suggested by the title; the last four are titled "Resulção theologica sobre a administracão das rendas do hospicio de S. Joseph da Provincia da Piedade sitio na cidade da Belem de Grão Para." A document of social and historical interest, with a charming manuscript map of the area at the mouth of the Amazon.


BAHIA, BRAZIL (Archdiocese) Constituiçoens primeyras do arcebispado da Bahia . . . propostas, e aceytas em o Synodo Diecesano . . . em 12 de Junho do anno de 1707. . Coimbra, Real Collegio das Artes da Comp. de Jesus, 1720.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II p. 358. Folio, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: BX1467.B15 C75

First edition of the constitutions of the Archbishopric of Bahia which were drawn up in the Diocesan Synod of 1707, under the direction of Archbishop Sebastião Monteiro da Vide. The work, which also contains a catalog of all Bishops of Brazil until 1676 and the Regimento do Anditorio Ecclesiastico, is a very important historical source for the Catholic Church in Brazil.


SIMÃO FERREIRA MACHADO (18th century) Triunfo eucharistico, exemplar da christandade lusitana em publica exaltaçaõ da Fé na solemne Trasladaçaõ do Divinissimo Sacramento da Igreja da Senhora do Rosario, para hum novo Templo . . . em Villa Rica, Corte da Capitania das Minas. Lisboa Occidental, Officina da Musica, 1734.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 5. 4to, in cloth.

Lilly Library call number: BX2324 .B82 M14

This account of the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to a new church in Vila Rica not only described the religious ceremonies involved, but also gives an abundance of detail for the secular festivities celebrated and provides a good picture of life in Minas Gerais at the height of the 18th century mining boom. The very rare first edition of this work which is shown has the autograph signature of the Conde das Galveas, Governor of Minas Gerais (1732-1735), pasted on the flyleaf.


ANDRÉ DE BARROS (1675-1754) Vida do Apostolico Padre Antonio Vieyra da Companhia de Jesus . . . . Lisboa, Nova officina Sylviana, 1746.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 69. Folio, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: BX4705 .V65 B2

Engraving of Antonio Vieira converting the Indians

A biography of Antônio Vieira with portrait of Vieira converting the Indians. The engraving, by Carolos Grandi, makes use of Brazilian motifs in the background.


SIMÃO MARQUES (1684-1766) Brasilia Pontificia, sive speciales facultates pontificiae quae Brasiliae Episcopis conceduntur . . . . Ulyssipone (Lisbon), Ex typis Michaelis Rodrigues, 1749.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 23-24. Folio, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: BX1466 .A5 M35

Father Marques came to Rio from Portugal in 1702 and later served as Rector of the Jesuit College there. His work, a treatise on the dispensations conceded by the Pope to the Church in Latin America, is indispensible to Brazilian church history, since some portions allude to the Brazilian situation in particular.


Commentarius de Republica in America Lusitana, atque Hispana, à Jesuitis instituta, belloque ab his cum Hispaniae Lusitaniaeque exercitibus gesto . . . . [Lisbon, ca. 1760].

Sabin, no. 14962. 8vo, in paper cover.

Lilly Library call number: F2684 .R386

Latin translation of the Relação abbreviada de republica que os religiosos Jesuitas . . . establecerão nos dominios ultramarinos published at Lisbon in 1757, by or at the instance of the notorious Marques de Pombal. This account of the Jesuit Indian missions in Brazil and Paraguay concerns their conflicts with the civil authorities which ultimately resulted in Jesuit expulsion from the Portuguese colonies.



ANDRÉ THEVET (1502-1590) Les singvlaritez de la France Antarctiqve avtrement nommée Amerique ... . Anvers, Christophle Plantin, 1558.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 304. 8vo, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: E141 .T4 vault

Thevet, a Franciscan friar, was in the expedition of Villegagnon, who attempted to establish a French colony at the mouth of the Rio Janeiro in 1555. His account of the country (called France Antarctique) is shown in the second edition, printed by Plantin. The illustrations of the natives, animals, and plants are exceptional. The book is opened to a plate of an Indian smoking, a plate also appearing in the earlier Paris edition of 1557. In the same year another depiction of Indians smoking was shown in Hans Staden's account. (No. 9 in this exhibit.)


JEAN DE LÉRY (1534-1611) Histoire d'vn voyage fait en la terre dv Bresil . . .. [LaRochelle], Antoine Chuppin, 1578.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 401. 8vo, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .L5

Léry was one of a group of French Protestant colonizers who sailed to Brazil to join the colony of Villegagnon. The account of his voyage to and from Rio gives information on Brazilian natural history, Indians, and many other topics, and appeared in various editions because of its great popularity. This is the first edition in the state without "La Rochelle" on the title page.


Relacion de la vitoria qve alcanzaron las armas Catolicas en la Baîa de Todos Santos, contra Olandeses ... . Madrid, F. Martinez, 1638.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 189. Folio, in paper wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .R38

The official Spanish account of the Dutch and French attack on Bahia which was repulsed by the Portuguese and Spanish forces under Governor Pedro de Silva.


JORGE MASCARENHAS MONTALVÃO Carta qve o visorrey do Brasil dom Iorge Mascarenhas Marquez de Montaluão escreueo ao . . . Conde de Nassau, general dos Olãdeses em Pernãbuco.. . [Lisboa, J. Rodriguez, 1641].

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 75. 4to, in wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .M76

The news of the Portuguese Restoration was received in Brazil while negotiations were underway between the Dutch and the Portuguese for an agreement to humanize the conduct of the war (and spare the destruction of sugar plantations and crops). This is the letter in which the Brazilian viceroy Montalvão notified Johan Maurits, Governor-General of the Dutch forces, of the proclamation of João IV as king of Portugal.


KASPAR VAN BAERLE (BARLEUS) (1584-1648) . . . Rervm per octennivm in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum, sub praefectura illustrissimi Comitis I. Mavritii Nassoviae, &c. comitis ... Historia.. Amstelodami, J. Blaev, 1647.

Rodrigues, Dominio Holandes no Brasil, no. 449. Folio, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .B14

This beautifully printed work on the government of Johan Maurits, Count of Nassau, in Pernambuco is the principal printed authority on this subject. Baerle did not himself visit Brazil, but he did utilize original records. The engravings of Brazilian scenes are exceptional, having been taken from sketches made by Frans Post, who accompanied Maurits to Brazil.


MANOEL CALADO (1584-1654) O valeroso Lvcideno e trivmpho da liberdade. Primera parte. Lisboa, Paulo Craesbeeck, 1648.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 123-124. Folio, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .V65 C14

Father Calado lived in Brazil many years and took part there in the hostilities against the Dutch. He was also an eyewitness to the Dutch festivities on the occasion of the receipt of the news of the accession of João IV as king of Portugal. The book itself has an interesting history, as it was suppressed by the Inquisition and republished in 1668 with a new title page. Copies dated 1648 are very rare.


MATHEUS VAN DEN BROECK (17th century) Journael ofte Historiaelse Beschrijvinge .... t'Amstelredam, Gerrit van Goedesbergen, 1651.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 113. 4to, in boards. Loaned by a private collector.

Engraving of a sugar engenho

Broeck's journal is an eyewitness account of events between June 1645 and August 1646. The engraving of a sugar engenho shown is from Barleus, but the heated battle in the foreground has been added.


FRANCISCO DE BRITO FREIRE ( -1692) Nova Lusitania, historia da guerra brasilica . . . . Lisboa, J. Galram, 1675.

Rodrigues, Domínio Holandês no Brasil, no. 413. Folio, in mottled calf.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .F8 N9 vault

Engraved frontispiece

The first part of Freire's work deals with the history of the discovery of Brazil, and the remaining chapters treat of the war in Brazil against the Dutch in 1623-1638. Freire intended his beautifully printed book to be a Portuguese response to the famous Barleus work on the same subject. The engraved frontispiece shown includes Brazilian motifs. The ship symbolizes Portugal, and the columns, the pillars of Hercules.


RAPHAEL DE JESUS (1614-1693) Castrioto Lvsitano. Parte I. Entrepresa e restavracao de Pernambuco ... . Lisboa, A. Craesbeeck de Mello, 1679.

Rodrigues, Domínio Holandês no Brasil, no. 215. Folio, in mottled calf.

Lilly Library call number: F2532 .R2

Joćo Fernandes Vieira

A history of Brazil during the war between the Portuguese and the Dutch. The author also gives a complete history of João Fernandes Vieira, who recaptured Pernambuco. Vieira's engraved portrait is shown.


JOHAN NIEUHOF (1618-1672) Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lant-Reize. Behelzende Al het geen op dezelve is voorgevallen Beneffens Een bondige besch-rijving van gantsch Neerlants Brasil... . Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1682.

Rodrigues, Domínio Holandês no Brasil, no. 568. Folio, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .N67

The author lived nine years in Brazil in the service of the Dutch West India Company. Nieuhof s work contains many documents, and he is considered an authority on Brazil for the period of his residence (1640-1649).


Les campagnes de Duguay-Trouin. [Paris, Chez Gouaz, ca. 1715].

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 232. Folio, in sheep.

Lilly Library call number: DC52 .D9 C186

During the War of the Spanish Succession, Brazil was considered a valuable prize by the French, who attacked Rio in 1710, and again in 1711. Duguay-Trouin was a famous French corsair, leader of the successful capture of Rio de Janeiro from the Portuguese in 1711. This work on his campaign is completely engraved, both text and plates.



Relaçam da aclamação qve se fez na Capitania do Rio de Ianeiro do Estado do Brasil . . . ao Senhor Rey Dom Ioão IV . . . com a felicissima restituiçaõ . . . . Colophon: [Lisboa, Iorge Rodrigues, 1641].

Rodrigues, Bibliographia brasiliana, no. 2049. 4to, boards.

Lilly Library call number: DP634.8 .R382

The period of Spanish domination of the Portuguese throne (1580-1640) resulted in an enlargement of territory for Brazil and contributed to a growing sense of nationality. The news account shown describes the festivities in Rio de Janeiro in March of 1641, on receipt of the notice of the restoration of Portuguese independence, with João IV as the Braganza king.


Printed document, completed in manuscript. Dated Recife, 22 August, 1664

1 1., unbound. Loaned by a private collector.

Conhecimento or bill of lading for a shipment of sugar sent from Recife to Lisbon in the ship Nossa Senhora da Conceição as a contribution towards the payment of the dowry of Queen Catherine of Great Britain (the former infanta of Portugal who married Charles II in 1662).


ANTÔNIO DE ALBUQUERQUE COELHO DE CARVALHO (1655- ) Letter-patent, in clerk's hand, signed. Dated 17 March 1693.

Loaned by a private collector.

This signed letter appoints João Frazão as Adjutant of the garrison of one of the forts at São Luís de Maranhão. Albuquerque was a Portuguese of the minor aristocracy whose family had financial interests in Brazil. He served the Portuguese government successively as governor of Grão-Pará, Maranhão and Rio de Janeiro.


MARTIN DE NANTES, Capuchin Relation succinte et sincere de la Mission du . . . Missionaire Apostolique dans le Brezil parmy les Indiens appellés Cariris... Quimper, Jean Perier, [ 1706?]

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 24-25. 12mo in half sheets, in vellum.

Lilly Library call number: F2519.1 .B3 M37

The penetration into the São Francisco region and details of life in late 17th century Bahia are also recounted in this relation about missionary activity among the Cariri Indians of Brazil.


SEBASTIÃO DA ROCHA PITTA (1660 1738) Historia da America portugueza ... . Lisboa, Occidental, J.A. da Sylva, 1730.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 155. Folio, in leather. Loaned by a private collector.

When the Royal Academy of History in Portugal undertook the task of preparing a history of the Portuguese empire, the viceroy at Bahia decided to found a comparable academy, called at its inauguration in 1724, Academia dos Esquecidos, "The Forgotten". Pitta's history of Brazil was the only serious production by a member of the Bahian academy. Pitta was himself a Brazilian, born in Bahia. The first edition is shown.


BERNARDO PEREIRA DE BERREDO ( -1748) Annaes historicos do Estado do Maranhaõ ... . Lisboa, Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1749.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 89. Folio, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2571 .B53

The author was governor of the state of Maranhão and Grão Pará between 1718 and 1722. His history of the area is the classic work on the subject, but his accuracy and objectivity have sometimes been questioned.



Ms., folio, in mottled leather.

Lilly Library: Latin American mss. Brazil.

Legal memoranda relating to Brazil, compiled for his own use by Dr. João Antonio Palter de Mendonça, successively Judge of the High Court at Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. The first half is arranged alphabetically by subject, and the second half transcribes many of the original documents in full. Especially noteworthy is the collection of royal decrees relating to the treatment to be accorded to foreign ships calling at Brazilian ports on one pretext or another.


PAULO JOSÉ MIGUEL DE BRITO ( -1832) Memoria politica sobre a Capitania de Santa Catharina, escripta no Rio de Janeiro em o anno de 1816 . . .. Lisboa, Typografia da mesma Academia, 1829.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 112-113. 4to, in quarter leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2626 .B86

Brito was a correspondent of the Academia Real das Sciencias of Portugal. This historical monograph, the first written on the Capitania of Santa Catarina, was published at the expense of the academy. The Lilly Library copy which is shown lacks one map.



WILLEM PISO (1611-1678) Historia natvralis Brasiliae . . .. Lvgdvn. Batavorvm, apud Franciscum Hackium et Amstelodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium , 1648.

Rodrigues, Domínio Holandês no Brasil, no. 814. Folio, one copy in leather-backed boards, one copy in calf.

Lilly Library call number: QH117 .P67

This work, edited by Joannes Laet, consists of two distinct parts. The first part, "De Medicina Brasiliensi," was written by Willem Piso, and the second part, "Historiae rerum naturalium Brasiliae," was written by George Marcgraf and Laet. Until the 19th century, it was the only illustrated work about Brazilian natural history. Printed by the Elzevir press, it is a fine example of the beautiful Dutch works published on Brazil. One copy shows the title page with the signature of Johan Maurits, Governor-General of Netherlands Brazil, 1637-1644, and the second is opened to the section on birds of Brazil.


LUIS GOMES FERREIRA (fl. 1735-1745) Erario mineral . . .. Lisboa Occidental, M. Rodrigues, 1735; and, Lisboa, Manoel da Silva, 1755.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 262. (1st ed.) Folio, in calf (1st ed.): 2 vols., 4to in eights, in calf (2nd ed.)

Lilly Library call number: RC962 .B82 F38 1755 vault

The Erario mineral is based on the author's twenty-year residence and practice of medicine in Minas Gerais. Apart from its value as a source for the history of tropical medicine, and more particularly as showing the state of surgery and medicine in eighteenth century Brazil, the Erario mineral forms a fascinating source for the social history of Minas Gerais. Both the 1735 edition and the even more rare edition of 1755 are shown.


JOSÉ FERNANDES PINTO ALPOYM ( -1770) Exame de artilheiros. Lisboa, Joze' Antonio Plates, 1744; and, Exame de bombeiros. Madrid, Francisco Martinez Abad, 1747.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 21-23. 4to, in leather (both works)

Lilly Library call number: UF144 .A45 E97 1747


Lilly Library call number: UF144 .A45 E96

Alpoym's two books on the science of artillery have a curious Brazilian association quite apart from the fact that they were written in Brazil. The historian Varnhagen has suggested that they were actually printed in Brazil, and that the fictitious imprints of Lisbon and Madrid were designed to conceal this fact and evade the law forbidding the establishment of a press in Brazil. If, as seems unlikely, this theory is true, then these two works must be counted among the earliest books printed in Brazil. The Exame de bombeiros is shown open to plate XVII, inexplicably dated Rio, 1749.


JOÃO CARDOSO DE MIRANDA ( -1773) Relaçaõ cirurgica, e medica, na qual se trata, e declara especialmente hum novo methodo para curar a infecçaõ escorbutica ou mal de Loanda .... Lisboa, Miguel Rodrigues, 1747.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 64. Folio, in sheep.

Lilly Library call number: RC626 .M67 1747

The author, a surgeon who lived in Bahia, relates his success in the cure of scurvy for both residents and patients en route from India.


BERNARDINO ANTÔNIO GOMES (1768-1823) Memoria sobre a ipecacuanha fusca do Brasil . . . . Lisboa, Typographia chalcographica ... do Arco do Cego, 1801.

Inocencio, Diccionario bibliographico portuguez, I, B, no. 199. 4to, in paper wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: RM666 .I7 G63

Gomes describes a species of Brazilian ipecacuanha called cipó, in this memorial dedicated to the Prince Regent, Dom João. In the dedication he addresses João as Protector of Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce and the Arts. Bound with this imprint is another by the same author Ensaio sobre as boubas which is reprinted (Lisboa, 1815) from the Memorias of the Academia Real das Sciencias.


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) Que havendo tornado em consideração quanto cumpria ao bem geral e á felicidade particular dos Meus fieis Vassallos a conservação da saude publica . . . [Dated at Rio de Janeiro, January 22, 1810].

Folio, unbound.

Lilly Library call number: RA683 .J62 Q3

This royal proclamation establishes the office of Superintendent of Health and sets up regulations governing quarantine of ships in Brazilian ports, including those carrying slaves.


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) . . . Faço saber a todos . .. que se estableça no Brazil e na Minha actual Corte e Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, hum Curso regular das Sciencias exactas . . . Hei por bem . . . se estableça huma Academia Real Militar ... . [Dated at Rio de Janeiro, December 4, 1810].

Folio, unbound. Loaned by a private collector.

In this royal letter, João VI outlines the establishment of a Royal Military Academy in Rio which is to offer instruction in mathematics as well as the physical and natural sciences.



JOHN MAWE (1764-1829) Travels in the interior of Brazil particularly in the gold and diamond districts of that country. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, etc., 1812.

Moraes Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 40. 4to, in quarter leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .M46

This narration is the first "on the spot" account made of the gold and diamond mines in Brazil. Because of the success it enjoyed, Mawe's work, shown here in its first edition, was later published in other editions and translations.


HENRY KOSTER (1792-ca. 1820) Voyages dans la partie septentrionale du Brésil.... Paris, Delaunay, 1818.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 370. 2 vols., 8vo, in half green leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .K83 Mendel Room

First edition in French of Koster's esteemed work on the north of Brazil. The author was the son of an English sugar dealer and emigrated to Brazil because of illness. Koster was acquainted with various notable Brazilians of the times, and was encouraged to write his book by Robert Southey, the famous historian of Brazil.


MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIPP, PRINZ VON WIED-NEUWIED (1782-1867) Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1815 bis 1817. Frankfurt, H.L. Brönner, 1820-21.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 43. 2 vols. text and 2 vols. plates; large 4to and atlas folios, in original boards.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .W64 vault

Prince Maximilian's travels across Brazil from 1815-1817 were very productive scientifically. He and his companions assembled a considerable zoological collection. This account with the beautifully printed albums of plates gives an interesting picture of the interior of Brazil just prior to independence, and the customs of the Indians he encountered, particularly the Botocudo.


JOHANN BAPTIST VON SPIX (1781-1826) Reise in Brasilien auf befehl Sr. Majestät Maximilian Joseph I ... in den Jahren 1817 bis 1820 . . . . München, M. Lindauer, 1823-31.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 278. 3 vols. text and 1 vol. plates; folio and atlas folio, variously bound.

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .S7

Spix and Karl Friedrich Philip von Martius undertook their travels for the purpose of exploring the Amazon. Their work is one of the best sources of information on Brazil at the time. The first volume and the handsome album of plates are shown.



ANTÔNIO DE SÁ (1628-1678) Sermão Qve O padre Antonio de Saa da Companhia de Iesv pregov á Ivstiça na Sancta Sè da Bahia na Primeira Oitaua do Spiritu Sancto. Lisboa, Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliueira, 1658.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 312. 4to, in quarter leather.

Lilly Library call number: BV4647 .J8 S12

Very rare first edition of this celebrated sermon on justice. Father Sá, a native of Brazil, was professor of humanities and theology at the College of Espirito Santo at Bahia.


EUSÉBIO DE MATOS (1629-1692) Ecce homo. Practicas pregadas no Collegio da Bahia ... . Lisboa, Officina de Ioam da Costa, 1677.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 223-224. 4to, in boards. Loaned by a private collector.

This is the most well known of the sermons of Father Matos, a native of Bahia and brother to Gregório de Matos. Matos entered the Jesuit order in 1644, but left the order in the same year as the publication of this work, and at a later date became a Carmelite.


ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO, padre (1629-1724) Eleyçam Entre o bem, & mal eterno .... Lisboa Occidental, Officina da Musica, 1720.

Leite, História da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil, VIII, p. 292. 8vo, in vellum. Loaned by a private collector.

Father Gusmão was born in Lisbon, and entered the Jesuit order after coming to Brazil at a very early age. Most of his writings were of a pious nature, such as the present work, written late in his life, and the better known work on Christian education, Arte de crear bem os Filhos (Lisboa, 1685).


ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO, padre (1629-1724) Historia do Predestinado Peregrino e seu irmaõ precito . . .. Evora, Officina da Universidade, 1685 and, Lisboa Oriental, Felipe de Sousa Vilela, 1728.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 323. 8vo, in calf (2nd ed.); 8vo in vellum (4th ed.)

Lilly Library call number: PQ9231 .G98 H67 1685


Lilly Library call number: PQ9231 .G98 H67 1728

This allegorical novel first published in 1682, belongs to the same family of works as the Pilgrim's progress of John Bunyan, and is considered to be the first work of fiction written in Brazil by a Portuguese author. Copies of the second and fourth editions are shown. Only three novels are known to have been written in Brazil during the colonial period. The other two (also shown in this exhibit) are the Compendia narrativo de peregrino da America of Nuno Marques Pereira, and the Maximas de virtude e formosura of Thereza Margarida da Silva e Orta.


ANTÔNIO VIEIRA (1608-1697) Voz sagrada, politica, rhetorica e metrica ou Supplemento as Vozes Saudosas da eloquencia, do espirito, do zelo, e eminente sabedoria do Padre Antônio Vieira . . .. Lisboa, Officina de Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1748.

Debacker-Sommervogel, Bibliothêque da la Compagnie de Jésus, VIII, col. 672. 4to, in mottled calf.

Lilly Library call number: F2528 .V65 V97

During his long and fruitful career, Father Vieira produced a literary corpus consisting mostly of sermons, letters, and state papers. This particular collection includes some works of a more literary nature, such as his sonnet "A Despedida dos Indios" which is shown.


MATIAS ANTÔNIO SALGADO (b. ca. 1699) Monumento do agradecimento . .. relaçam fiel das reaes exequias que á defunta Magestade do Fidelissimo e Augustissimo Rey o Senhor D. Joaõ V. dedicou . . . . Lisboa, Officina de Francisco da Silva, 1751.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 323-324. 4to, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: DP638 .S26

The first part of this work is a relation by Manoel José Correa e Alvarenga of the ceremonial observance held in São João del Rei (Minas Gerais) on the occasion of the death of João V of Portugal, and the second part gives the text of the funeral sermon preached by Salgado on the same occasion. A separately published work by Salgado, Oraçaõ funebre (Lisboa, 1751) is bound at the end. The engraved plate shown represents the catafalque which was erected for the observance.


[THEREZA MARGARIDA DA SILVA E ORTA] (18th century) Maximas de virtude e formosura . . .. Lisboa, Officina de Miguel Manescal da Costa, , and the same work with variant title, Aventuras de Diófanes . . . , Lisboa, Regia Officina Typografica, 1777.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 264-265. 8vo, in calf (both vols.). Loaned by a private collector.

First edition, and second edition in state with title continuation "imitando o sapientissimo Fenelon na sua viagem de Telemaco". This very rare work — the first book published by a Brazilian woman, was attributed to Alexandre de Gusmão (1695-1753) in the third edition. Recent studies, however, have affirmed that the pseudonym Dorothea Engrassia Tavareda Dalmira is that of Thereza Margarida Orta, a native of São Paulo, and sister to Matias Aires Ramos da Silva Eça.


MANOEL TAVARES DE SEQUEIRA E SÁ Jubilos da America na gloriosa exaltaçaõ e promoçaõ do Illustrissimo e Excellentissimo Senhor Gomes Freire de Andrada ... . Lisboa, M.A. Sollano, 1754.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 225. 4to, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: PQ9631 .S12

An anthology of literary works by the participants in the Academia dos Selectos of Rio de Janeiro, in praise of the Governor of Rio, Gomes Freire de Andrada. Sá, the secretary of the group, compiled the collection which was presented to Andrada at a meeting on January 30, 1752.


MATIAS AIRES RAMOS DA SILVA DE EÇA (1705-1763) Reflexões sobre a vaidade dos homens, ou Discursos moraes Sobre os efleitos da Vaidade . . . . Lisboa, Offic. de Antonio Vicente da Silva, 1761.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 127-128. 4to, in mottled calf.

Lilly Library call number: BJ1565 .E17

Second edition of Eça's essay on pride and vanity, in which traces of Enlightenment ideology can be seen.


NUNO MARQUES PEREIRA (1652-1718) Compendio narrativo do peregrino da America . . .. Lisboa, Offic. de Antonio Vicente da Silva, 1760; and Lisboa, Offic. de Francisco Borges de Sousa, 1765.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 280-281. 4to in eights, in half calf (4th ed.); 4to in eights, in calf (5th ed.)

Lilly Library call number: F2511 .P4 1760


Lilly Library call number: F2511 .P4 1765

Pereira was a native of Caitu, Bahia. His work, Compêndio narrativo do peregrino da América, first published in 1728, is an example of Baroque narrative, and is the first work of fiction written by a native Brazilian. Two editions of the book are shown.


CLAUDIO MANOEL DA COSTA (1729-1789) Orbas (sic) de Claudio Manoel da Costa, Arcade Ultramarino chamado Glauceste Saturnio ... . Coimbra, Officina de Luiz Secco Ferreira, 1768.

Moraes, Bibliografia, brasileira, p. 95. 8vo, in quarter sheep. Loaned by a private collector.

The publication of this collection of Costa's poems (with misprint Orbas for Obras) marked the beginning of the Arcadian movement in Brazil. Costa was one of the leaders of the Inconfidência Mineira, an important Brazilian secessionist movement of the 18th century influenced by Enlightenment ideas and inspired in part by the American Revolution.


Miscelania poetica de varias composiçoens de metros a diversos assumptos e objectos, em forma satyrica. 1783.

Loaned by a private collector.

Private collection: Private collection

Ms., 4to, in quarter leather.

This manuscript features satirical poems alluding to the works of contemporary literary figures. The volume is open to a satire based on a poem of Inácio José de Alvarenga Peixoto (1743-1793) written to a certain D. Anna Fortunata. Peixoto, a leading figure in Brazilian Arcadian poetry, was an associate of Cláudio Manoel da Costa, and was exiled to Angola for his political activites in the Inconfidência rebellion in Minas Gerais.


MANOEL INÁCIO DA SILVA ALVARENGA (1749-1814) O Desertor. Poema heroi-comico .... [n.p., n.d.].

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 19. 8vo, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: PQ9626 .A46 D46

Alvarenga was another of the Minas poets who participated in the Arcadian movement. This edition of his poem, O Desertor, issued without place or date of publication, is the second — the first having been issued at Coimbra in 1774. The volume may be dated as appearing in or after the year 1788, by the announcement of the publication of the Mondegueida of Silveira Malhão on the final integral folio. This announcement is not present in the copy described by Moraes.


[JOSÉ BASILIO DA GAMA] (1740-1795) Quitubia.... Lisboa, Offic. de Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, 1791.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 153. 4to, in boards. Loaned by a private collector.

The author was a poet of the so-called "Minas School," a group of writers who gathered around Cláudio Manoel da Costa. This poem about Domingos Ferreira da Assunção is the first in Brazilian literature to feature an African hero. Gama was perhaps best known for his epic poem, O Uraguay, first published in 1769.


[DOMINGOS CALDAS BARBOSA] (d. 1800) Viola de Lereno: collecção das suas cantigas, offerecidas aos seus amigos. Vol I: Lisboa, Officina Nunesiana, 1798; Vol. II: Lisboa, Typografia Lacerdina, 1826.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 47-49. 8vo, in quarter calf (both vols.). Loaned by a private collector.

First edition of both volumes. This work of Barbosa consists of songs without music (modinhas) rather than poetry as a strictly literary form. Barbosa's use of Afro-Brazilian folk themes introduced these elements in Portugal where they became very influential, and some musicologists consider that his modinhas are the basis for later Portuguese popular music.


ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744) Ensaio sobre a critica . . . traduzido em Portuguez pelo Conde de Aguiar .... Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1810.

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 119. 8vo, in half-sheets, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: PR3626 .A1 P8 1810

Alexander Pope

This translation of Pope's Essay on Criticism is one of the finer products of the Impressão Régia in Rio. The translator, Fernando José de Portugal, was awarded his title, Conde de Aguiar, by João VI when the Portuguese court came to Brazil. The book is open to the title page and engraving of Pope.


FRANÇOIS MARIE AROUËT DE VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) Henriada, poema epico . . . por Mr. De Voltaire, Traduzido e illustrado com varias notas na Lingua Portugueza por Thomaz de Aquino Bello e Freitas . . .. Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Régia, 1812.

Rodrigues, Bibliographia brasiliense, no. 2559. 2 vols. in 1, 13 cm., in quarter leather.

Lilly Library call number: PQ2080 .H4 P7 1812

Tomás de Aquino Belo Freitas, the translator of Voltaire's epic poem, was a native of Minas Gerais who studied at Coimbra and practiced medicine in Vila Rica. His work, shown in the edition of the Impressão Régia of Rio, was first published in Oporto in 1789.


JOSE ELOÍ OTTONI (1764-1851) Parafraze dos Proverbios de Salomão em verso portuguez ... . Bahia, Typographia de Manoel Antonio da Silva Serva, 1815.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 122. 8vo, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: PQ9697 .O92 P22

Ottoni was a native of Minas Gerais who spent his life in public service in Brazil and Europe. The work shown, a poetical paraphrase of the Proverbs of Solomon, is a very early product of the press in Bahia.


JOSÉ DA NATIVIDADE SALDANHA (1795-1830) Poemas oferecidos aos amantes do Brazil. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1822.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 227. 8vo, in quarter morocco. Loaned by a private collector.

These poems in the neoclassical style concern political personalities and themes. Saldanha, a native of Pernambuco, was a participant in the republican revolutionary movement in that province which proclaimed the Confederação do Equador. The movement was suppressed in 1824, and Saldanha, condemned to death for his activities, became an exile.



CHARLES HOWARD, Earl of Nottingham (1536-1624) Passport. Signed and dated, London, 24 January 1587.

Lilly Library: Miscellaneous mss.

1 manuscript 1.

This passport is signed by the Lord High Admiral of England, Ireland, and Wales, and countersigned by William Lord Burghley (1520-1598), Queen Elizabeth's most famous minister. It grants a safe-conduct for the Portuguese ship St. John "of 80 tons or thereabouts" of Lisbon, manned by a Portuguese and Spanish crew, "whereof is Master Peter Fernandes, Spaniard," freighted for a voyage to Bahia in Brazil, to load a cargo of sugar, brazilwood, and other commodities. The passport afforded protection not only against interference and seizure by any English privateers and men-of-war, but also earnestly desired all Dutch "and other places being in good league and amitie with her Magesty" to do likewise. The safe-conduct includes the ship's return voyage which may be made to London, Flushing, or Hamburg. A very interesting example of the importance of Hanseatic merchants in the Brazil trade.


MANUEL DE FIGUEIREDO (1568-1630) Hydrographia, exame de pilotos . . . com os roteiros de Portugal pera o Brasil, Rio da Prata [etc.] Lisboa, Impresso por Vicente Aluarez, 1614.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 265-266. 4to, in quarter calf.

Lilly Library call number: VK801 .F47 1614

Figueiredo's navigational works were the first to include pilot guides for the routes to Brazil. Such guides provided directions for ships involved in the triangular trade between Portugal, Africa, and Brazil. The 1614 edition shown is an enlarged version of the 1608 edition.


JOSÉ I, King of Portugal (1714-1777) Ley do contrato dos diamantes do Brasil. De ll de agosto de 1753. [Lisboa, Miguel Rodrigues, 1753]

Folio, in paper wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: F2528 .P85 L3

Following the discovery of diamonds in Minas Gerais in the early part of the 18th century, the Portuguese crown attempted to control diamond mining and trade by various restrictive regulations which were never completely satisfactory. In 1740, a series of contracts were initiated, providing for the mining of diamonds on a monopoly basis. The contract shown, promulgated by Sebastião José de Carvalho in 1753 in the name of the king, was the most severe to date and specified harsh punishment for those who violated the conditions of the monopoly administered under the king's protection.


COMPANHIA DO GRÃO PARÁ E MARANHÃO Instituiçaõ da Companhia ... Lisboa, M. Rodrigues, 1755.

Maggs, Bibliotheca brasiliensis, no. 225. Folio, in boards.

Lilly Library call number: HF3695 .C7 I5

"Text of the Royal Decree issued by the King of Portugal authorizing the establishment of the Pará and Maranhão Company for the purpose of encouraging private commercial enterprise between Portugal and Brazil" — Maggs. Bound with this is the Instituiçaõ da Companhia Geral de Pernambuco e Paraíba (Lisboa, M. Rodrigues, 1759). Also shown is an original share certificate of the Companhia de Pernambuco e Paraiba, issued in January 1760.


MANOEL RIBEIRO ROCHA Ethiope resgatado, empenhado, sustentado, corregido, instruido, e libertado ... Lisboa, Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1758.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 211 4to, in calf.

Lilly Library call number: HT879 .R67

Rocha was a Portuguese secular priest whose book discussed the subject of the duties of a slave owner to his slaves, and criticized both the institution of slavery and the African slave trade. It was written for circulation among Brazilian sugar planters and is very rare today.


JOSÉ JOAQUIM DA CUNHA DE AZEREDO COUTINHO (1742-1818) Ensaio economico sobre o comercio de Portugal e suas colonias ... Lisboa, Oficina da Academia, 1794.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 192-93. 4to, in decorated paper wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: HF3695 .C87

Bishop Coutinho, a prolific and controversial writer, expressed himself on many contemporary subjects, such as the slave trade, the gold mines of Brazil, and church-state affairs. His work on commercial relations of Portugal with her colonies, shown here in its first edition, has been translated into English. This edition also contains a revised version of his "Memoria sobre o preso do Asucar" first published by the Academia Real das Sciencias in 1791.


MANOEL MOREIRA DE FIGUEIREDO Edital. Dated at Rio de Janeiro, August 7, 1809.


Lilly Library call number: SB109 .F476

This broadside proclamation signed by Manoel Moreira de Figueiredo announces the decision of the Prince Regent to offer prizes and other emoluments to those who introduce the cultivation of spices and other useful plants.


JOSÉ MARIANO DA CONCEIÇÃO VELOSO, frei (1742-1811) O fazendeiro do Brazil criador . . . Tom. 1 Part. I. Lisboa, Typographia . . . do Arco do Cego, 1801.

Moraes, Bibliografia brasileira, p. 396. 4to, in decorated boards.

Lilly Library call number: HD9295 .V4

Prior to the publication of this volume on the production of milk, cheese, and butter, Veloso had issued a series of ten volumes, also translations of foreign works, on the cultivation of various plants. The translations issued under the protection of the Prince Regent were intended to help improve the status of agriculture in Brazil but unfortunately were received with little interest.


Tratado da abolição do trafico de escravos entre . . . o Principe Regente de Portugal e el Rey do Reino Unido da Grande Bretanha . . . Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1815.

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa nacional , no. 407. Folio, unbound.

Lilly Library call number: HT1127 .A25 1815

The political alliance between Portugal and England was not an unmixed blessing for the Braganza regime and had special implications for Brazil. England first demanded special concessions in the matter of trade and commerce and, after abolishing its slave trade in 1807, turned its efforts toward forcing Portugal to do the same. This treaty, printed at the Impressão Régia in Rio de Janeiro in Portuguese and English, is one in a series of agreements limiting the slave trade, which was not finally abolished until 1850.


JOÃO DANIEL (fl. 1758) Quinta parte do Thesouro descoberto no Rio Maximo Amazonas ... Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1820.

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa nacional, no. 614. 4to, in boards.

Lilly Library call number: F2546 .D184

Father Daniel was a Jesuit who spent 18 years as a missionary in the Amazon region. The subtitle of his work, "Hum novo methodo para a sua agricultura, utilissima praxe para a sua povação, navegação, augmento, e commercio, assim dos Indios como dos Européos" is of particular interest today, in view of the current project of the Brazilian government for the construction of the Amazonian Highway, and for the development of the Amazon area of Brazil. The manuscript for the first five parts is in the Bibliotheca Nacional of Rio, and that of the sixth part in Evora. The first edition of the fifth part is shown.


JOÃO SEVERIANO MACIEL DA COSTA, marques de Queluz (1760-1834) Memoria sobre a necessidade de abolir a introdução dos escravos africanos no Brasil... Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1821.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, I, p. 188. 4to, quarter leather.

Lilly Library call number: HT1127 .Q3

A native of Minas Gerais, Costa was graduated from Coimbra in law. His book presented ideas for the economic development of Brazil and the abolition of the slave trade — ideas which were unusual for the times.



JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) Decreto. Sendo da mais Aha Preeminencia dos Augustos Soberanos, Reis, e Imperadores, a Acção de Crear novas Ordens de Cavallaria . . . [Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1808]

Maggs, Bibliotheca brasiliensis, no. 259. Folio, in wrappers. Loaned by a private collector.

Wishing to have a means of expressing his gratitude to those British subjects who had been instrumental in the escape of his court from the French invasion of Portugal, the Prince Regent proclaimed the revival of the Order of the Sword on his arrival in Rio de Janeiro. This order, to be known as the Ordem da Torre e Espada, was a nonreligious Portuguese order of knighthood. The plate exhibited, showing the collar and medal of the order, is thought to be the first engraving by the newly established Impressão Régia in Rio.


PORTUGAL Manifesto, ou Exposição Fundada, e Justificativa do procedimento da Corte de Portugal a respeito da França desde o principio da Revolução até á epoca da Invasão de Portugal . . . [Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1808]

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 15. Folio, in wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: DP231 .P85

This justification of the Portuguese declaration of war on France following the French invasion of Portugal in 1807 outlines the circumstances leading to the declaration and the conditions for a peaceful resumption of relations between the two countries. The document, with Portuguese and French in parallel columns, was one of the first publications of the Impressão Régia, established by Joao VI after the arrival of the Portuguese court in Brazil.


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) . . . Alvará . . . ; and, Regulamento provisional para o troco do ouro em po' na Capitania de Minas Geraes. [Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Regia, 1808]

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 29. Folio, in wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: TN414 .B8 A25

The royal decree, dated October 12, 1808, concerns the circulation and processing of gold dust in Minas Gerais, and the text of the regulation gives provisional laws on the minting of coins and the conditions for the circulation of Spanish coins in specified areas of Brazil.


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1768-1826) . . . Alvará com força de Lei [Dated at Rio de Janeiro, Ocotober 12, 1808]; and, Estatutos para o Banco Publico. [Dated at Rio de Janeiro, October 8, 1808]

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 11 (Estatutos only) Folio, stitched but unbound. Loaned by a private collector.

With the coming of the Portuguese court to Brazil, a period of institutional reform and the creation of new institutions for improvement of cultural and economic life was initiated. In this royal order, and the Regulations which accompany it, Dom João establishes the first bank ever to be founded in Brazil.


Proceso de Doña Carlota. La Plata, Cochabamba, Potosí, etc., 1808-1809.

Lilly Library: Latin American mss. Brazil.

Ms., folio, in leather.

The Napoleonic invasion of Spain in 1808, and the ignominious captivity of the Bourbon king, Fernando VII in France, allowed Carlota Joaquina, sister of Fernando, and wife of the Portuguese Prince Regent, João VI, to have visions of herself as regent of Spain and the Spanish American colonies. In Rio de Janeiro, Carlota received a delegation from Buenos Aires, but her unfavorable reaction to the idea of a constitutional regency and her own husband's opposition brought her negotiations with the Spanish colonists to an unfruitful end. Materials in the Lilly Library relating to the Carlota affair include the 222 page expediente which is shown, and a selection of printed pamphlets in Spanish and Portuguese expressing the viewpoints of those concerned.


Diario da Viagem de S.M.C. e S.A. do Rio de Janeiro a Cadis. Madrid, Emprensa de D. Miguel de Burgos, 1816.

8vo, in leather.

Lilly Library call number: F2534 .C2 D5

When Maria Francisca and Maria Isabel fled to Brazil with their parents, João, Prince Regent of Portugal, and his wife, Carlota Joaquina, they little realized that they would return soon to Europe to take part in state marriages with the king of Spain and his brother. This curious and little-known work is an account of their voyage in the Portuguese ship S. Sebastião, to Cádiz where Maria Isabel became the wife of Fernando VII, and Maria Francisca was married to the Spanish prince, Don Carlos.


Convenção entre os muito altos, e muito poderosos senhores o Principe Regente de Portugal, e El Rei do Reino Unido da Grande Bretanha e Irlanda, sobre o establecimento dos paquetes ... Lisboa, Impressão Régia, 1819.

Folio, unbound. Loaned by a private collector.

The transfer of the Portuguese court to Rio de Janeiro signalled the end of the Portuguese trade monopoly and the opening of Brazilian ports to all friendly nations. Great Britain, as Portugal's ally and protector against the French, was quick to demand a privileged trade relation with Brazil. The document shown, a convention signed by the Conde de Linhares and Lord Strangford, authorized the establishment of the first packet line between Great Britain and Brazil. The first edition was published by the Impressão Régia, Rio, in 1810.


JOAQUIM JOSÉ DE AZEVEDO (1761-1835) Exposição analytica, e justificativa da conducta, e vida publica do Visconde do Rio Secco . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1821.

Rodrigues, Bibliotheca brasiliense, 2100. Folio, in decorative wrapper.

Lilly Library call number: F2534 .A9 A3

The Visconde do Rio Seco accompanied the Prince Regent João VI to Brazil in 1807 and served the Portuguese court in various official positions. This memorial, a personal justification of his conduct in office, is also useful for its insights into the political life of the times. The copy exhibited has the owner's stamp of the Duke of Palmela on the title page.



JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) . . . Por graça de Deos . . . Sou portanto Servido, e Me Praz Ordenar o seguinte. 1. Que desde a publicação desta Carta de Lei o Estado do Brasil seja elevado á dignidade, preemincia, e denominação de -REINO DO BRASIL- . [Rio de Janeiro, Impressão Régia, 1815.

Folio, unbound. Loaned by a private collector.

In 1815, Dom João issued this Royal Letter elevating Brazil to the status of a kingdom and thus making it equal, rather than subordinate, to Portugal. Needless to state, this important step along the road toward separation and independence was not favorably received in Portugal.


PEDRO I, Emperor of Brazil (1798-1834) Autograph letter. Dated and signed January 28, 1821.

Lilly Library: Latin American mss. Brazil.

In this letter to an unnamed friend, Dom Pedro expresses his views regarding the Portuguese constitution and the relations between Brazil and Portugal. He complains that he is not able to speak to his father in favor of the Constitution, since João is influenced by those who oppose it. Pedro also inquires about the arrival of the deputies to the Côrtes, and suggests that he wishes to arrange to come to Portugal in order to serve the people and obey the will of the nation.


PEDRO I, Emperor of Brazil (1798-1834) Cartas dirigidas a S. Magestade o Senhor D. João VI pelo Principe Real o Senhor D. Pedro de Alcantara. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1822.

Rodrigues, Bibliotheca brasiliense, no. 1859. 4to, in decorated wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: F2535 .P37 C32

Following the return of Dom João to assume the throne of Portugal in 1821, tensions between Portugal and Brazil became steadily greater. The Portuguese Côrtes, wishing to reassert dominance over Brazil and deprive the Brazilians of a leader, ordered Dom Pedro to return to Portugal as well. In these letters to his father, Dom Pedro expresses obedience but points out the dissatisfaction in Brazil with political events in Portugal and the growing sentiment for independence. This document is one of several printed by the Côrtes for use of its members in its sessions of 1822, and all are very scarce since they were not for sale commercially.


O Contra-Censor pela Galeria: Semanario politico. Num. 1-13; 20 de septembro de 1822-13 de dezembro de 1822. Lisboa, Impressão de João Baptista Morando, 1822.

8vo, in quarter calf. Loaned by a private collector.

Following the constitutional revolution in Portugal in 1820, the idea of a constitutional regime was well received in Brazil, and deputies were elected to attend the constituent Côrtes to be held in Lisbon. The Brazilian deputies were treated with scorn, however, and their demands were not heeded. This Portuguese periodical notes with satisfaction the departure of the Brazilians, printing the word deputados upside down to demonstrate disdain for the Brazilian representatives. The final page of number 4 is shown.


Senhor. A Salvação publica, a Integridade da Nação, o Decoro do Brasil e a Gloria de V.A.R. instão, urgem, e imperiosamente comandão, que V.A.R. faça convocar com a maior brevidade possivel huma Assembléa Geral de Representantes das Provincias do Brasil. [Rio de Janeiro, Imprensão Nacional, 1822]

Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 1108. Broadsheet. Loaned by a private collector.

As sentiment for independence grew in Brazil, Dom Pedro created a council of representatives of the various provinces. This letter signed on June 3, 1822, by three members of the council, and endorsed by José Bonifacio de Andrada, and others, urged Pedro to call a constituent assembly. When Pedro signed a decree taking this decisive step it only remained for independence to be declared by his famous cry of "Independence or death," at Ypiranga on September 7, 1822.


Baluarte Constitucional. No. 1-4, 6-8, 11-13; 31 de Julio-23 de Outubro, 1822. Bahia, Typographia da Viuva Serva, e Carvalho, 1822.

11 issues, unbound.

Lilly Library call number: F2551 .B198

Although Brazil is noted among nations for the relative ease with which independence was achieved, the movement was not entirely without controversy and apprehension, particularly in the provinces. Baluarte constitucional, a pro-Portuguese periodical published in Bahia, is representative of the Mendel Collection holdings of pamphlets and periodicals issued by the dissident press.


Extracto do Diario do Governo do Rio de Janeiro . . . Assemblea Geral do Imperio. 5.a e ultima sessaõ preparatoria 2 de maio. Reimpresso em Pernambuco [1823]

Folio, unbound.

Lilly Library call number: J6 .B85

Joćo Fernandes Vieira

A reprinting of an issue of the Diario do Governo which describes a session of the General Assembly of the newly formed Brazilian empire (Imperio do Brazil). At this gathering, José Bonifácio de Andrada, Brazilian statesman, known as the Patriarch of Brazilian Independence, addressed a speech to Dom Pedro I, lauding him for uniting Brazil and creating the new Empire with his famous reply to the Portuguese Côrtes "Eu fico", i.e. "I remain".


Relatorio dos Commissarios enviados por S.M. fidelissima ao Rio de Janeiro . . . [Lisboa, 1824]

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 197. Folio, in wrappers.

Lilly Library call number: DP650 .P85 R38

In 1823, João VI sent a Portuguese mission to Brazil led by the Count of Rio Maior to attempt a reconciliation with the Brazilian people. When it was learned that the mission was not empowered to recognize the independence of Brazil, their ship was seized and the members of the group were forced to return to Portugal immediately.


JOÃO VI, King of Portugal (1769-1826) Patent of nobility. Dated November 22, 1825.

Lilly Library: Stuart mss.

Ms., folio, unbound, with lead seal.

The recognition of Brazilian independence by Portugal was the final phase of the Brazilian independence movement. It was the vital step toward nationhood which allowed Brazil to normalize its relations with the rest of the world while permitting the stabilization of its economic, social, and political institutions. The last bond between Portugal and Brazil was severed on August 29, 1825, when Portugal, through its English negotiator, Sir Charles Stuart (1779-1845), recognized Brazil's independence. Shown is a patent of nobility bestowed on Sir Charles by João VI of Portugal, granting to Stuart the title of Conde de Machico of the island of Madeira, for his role in the negotiations between Portugal and Brazil. The document is from the Stuart manuscript collection.


WALSH, ROBERT (1772-1852) Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. Boston and New York, 1831.

Moraes, Bibliographia brasiliana, II, p. 369. 12mo in half sheets, in quarter morocco.

Lilly Library call number: F2513 .W226

Sheet music of the Imperial Anthem

The Reverend Mr. Walsh accompanied Lord Strangford to Brazil as chaplain of an embassy seeking to heal the breach between Portugal and Brazil by arranging the marriage of Dom Pedro's brother Miguel with his daughter, Maria da Gloria, Queen of Portugal. The book's appendices include a translation of the Decree elevating Brazil to the status of a Kingdom (1815) and the text of the Imperial Anthem, written by Dom Pedro himself, and first published by the Impressão Regia in 1822. (Cabral, Annaes da Imprensa Nacional, no. 1004.)

Additional Works of Brazilian Interest Exhibited in Lilly Library Lounge

  1. Barrow, Sir John (1764-1848) A voyage to Cochinchina in the years 1792 and 1793... London, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806.

    Lilly Library call number: G463 .B278

  2. Bigg-Wither, Thomas Plantagenet (1845-1890) Pioneers in south Brazil. London, J. Murray, 1878.

    Lilly Library call number: F2596 .B59

  3. Cerqueira, Edgard de Falção Brasil pitoresco, tradicional e artistico. 4 vols. São Paulo, 1942-1945.

    Lilly Library call number: F2515 .C4

  4. Cruls, Gastão (1888-   ) …Hiléia amazônica. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Companhia Editora, 1944.

    Lilly Library call number: F2546 .C95

  5. Denis, Ferdinand (1798-1890) Brésil par M. Ferdinand Denis; Colombie et Guyanes par M. C. Famin. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1837.

    Lilly Library call number: F2508 .D395

  6. Ewbank, Thomas (1792-1870) Life in Brazil; or a journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm. New York, Harper and Bros., 1856.

    Lilly Library call number: F2513 .E92

  7. Gomes, Carlos (1836-1886) Il Guarany; opera-ballo in quattro atti . . . Milano, Stabilimento Musicale di F. Lucca, [187-]

    Lilly Library call number: M1503 .G63 G92

  8. Henderson, James (1783?-1848) A history of the Brazil . . . London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1821.

    Lilly Library call number: F2511 .H49

  9. Pohl, Johann Baptist Emanuel (1782-1834) Beyträge zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens . . . Wien, 1832.

    Lilly Library call number: QE379 .B8 P7

  10. Pohl, Johann Baptist Emanuel (1782-1834) Brasiliens vorzüglich lästige insecten . . . Wien, 1832.

    Lilly Library call number: QL481 .B8 P7

  11. Ribeiro, Darcy and Berta G. Ribeiro Arte plumária dos Indios Kaapor. Rio de Janeiro, Seikel, 1957.

    Lilly Library call number: F2520.1 .U7 R5

  12. Rodrigues, João Barbosa (1842-1909). Sertum palmarum brasiliensium. Bruxelles, Impr. typ. Veuve Monnom, 1903.

    Lilly Library call number: QK501 .P17 B2

  13. Semana illustrada: jornal humoristica. 5 vols. Rio de Janeiro, Imperial Instituto Artistico, 1860-1865.

    Loaned by a private collector.

  14. Staunton, Sir George Leonard (1737-1801). An authentic account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China London, G. Nicol, 1797.

    Lilly Library call number: DS708 .S79 1797

  15. Vidal, Emeric Essex (1791-1861) Picturesque illustrations of Rio de Janeiro. Buenos Aires, Librería l’Amateur, [1961].

    Lilly Library call number: F2646 .V64

The materials exhibited are from the Mendel Collection, the Manuscripts Division, and the general collection of the Lilly Library, with the exception of several books in the Literature section, from the personal library of Dr. Heitor Martins, and several manuscript items from the personal collection of Dr. C. R. Boxer, which were graciously loaned by the owners. The exhibit was prepared and the descriptive notes for the catalog were written by Mayellen Bresie, Mendel Collection Librarian, with the advice and assistance of Dr. Martins, Dr. Boxer, and the Lilly Library staff.


Beginning with Discovery, exhibit catalogues and other publications from The Lilly Library are numbered consecutively.

A list of the unnumbered publications (most are out of print) issued prior to this numbered series follows:

Designed and edited by the Indiana University Office of Publications, one thousand copies of this catalogue have been printed. The text was set in 10-point Baskerville; the stock is 70-pound Carnival Offset.

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